We invest in people who can advance society through building sound businesses.

Firm Overview

Seven Isles Capital is a privately-held holding and management company for the operating assets of the DeAngelo Family. We provide flexible, long-term capital, and truly partner with the businesses and people we invest in. The advantage to partnering with us is that we are entrepreneurs and operators, in addition to being disciplined investors. We understand and appreciate the realities of starting, growing, and operating a business, which means we can provide focused and effective guidance, as well as provide our management teams the flexibility to do what is right for the businesses in both the short and long term.

Why partner with Seven Isles Capital?


We are Entrepreneurs & Operators

We understand and appreciate the beauty (and complexity) of building a family business. As such, we enjoy investing in family and founder-owned businesses. Our family started DBi Services in 1978 with a $2,000 loan and grew it into a $250+ million revenue business with 2,000+ employees before selling it to a private equity firm in 2016.


We Provide Flexible & Patient Capital

We are investing our family’s capital, which allows us to be more creative with structuring and terms to find the optimal agreement with the people we partner with. We can also keep our money invested as long as practical. This compares to traditional private equity capital which is restricted by fund mandates.


We Believe Operations Drives Financial Performance

(Not the other way around). While financial and related business reporting are important, we find balance and do not stress operators over these. We focus on operations and execution of fundamentals to drive financial performance.


We Focus On & Highly Value People

We are incredibly serious in this respect. Hiring and retaining talent at all levels, as well as consciously maintaining a culture are critical to success.